Let us talk about visa colonialism In 2018, President Donald Trump unleashed a word that seemed to ‘’shock’’ the world when he wondered why America was allowing people from shithole countries to enter their country. Many acted surprised, but an assessment of the visa bureaucracies across the world indeed portray that even if the same word is not used, the implications and effects endorse Trump’s use of the word. And, as Ibram X. Kendi notes, it really torches into the racial hierarchies of free movement across the globe especially for none white people (or those with passports from ‘’shithole countries’’). Travel visa requirements are generally recognised as the result of a trade-off between preventing irregular migration, ensuring security, and allowing potential economic benefits to countries. However, the racial biases and the colonial legacies that go with the system remain silent and not tackled. It takes some one from a ‘shithole’ country, who ...
Day Zero - 21/09/2021 I am welcomed to Holiday inn express, queens ferry road where I am going to spend possibly 10 days of my quarantine depending on results, if not more, after travelling to a red list country for work. I am overwhelmed by the nature of the quarantine and I decided to share my welcome experiences which then seemed grim, that was before I went through it all!. See my Previous blog . Why do I do this? if I had read quarantine conditions in the UK, I would have made better choices, either not to travel or to comeback through an amber or green country. I don't wish it on anyone, so I will share my journey to help some one else. Day one - 22/09/2021 I didn't sleep well, I guess it was the frustration of the day, travelling all night with intermittent sleep, Covid19 document checks, flight delay in Amsterdam and the limited rights I had. I woke up to a loud knock at 7:00am, breakfast had arrived, the wrong one which I hadn't asked for. This was th...